When: Scheules & Convocation

It's WHEN Thursday, and today I am sharing my schedule, two of the curriculum maps for this year, and a little special on our amazing back to school Convocation.

Here is my schedule for this year! It might be kind of hard to read so you can grab it here. We do 120 minutes of ELA per day and 90 minutes of math. =)
In our county we have 4 nine week periods, and for each nine weeks we do curriculum maps as long term planning. It is very helpful and makes doing lesson plans a breeze! You can grab a copy of the curriculum maps here. Even though your pacing may be different you might be able to get some shared reading book ideas =)
1st 9 Weeks:

2nd 9 Weeks: (Click here for a copy of the 2nd 9 weeks map)

I wish I could share my lesson plans, BUT unfortunately they aren't done yet. We go back to school Monday and I have been busy getting my room put back together and with convocation and orientation today it just didn't get done. Best laid plans right? Since I have orientation under my belt now I plan to do lesson plans tomorrow =)
On another note.... we had our Back to School Convocation today. (Something our county does as a back to school kick off...kind of like a pep rally with all of the Elementary schools together showing school spirit. The middle and high schools do theirs together) And let me just say I had SO much fun!
These are seriously some of my most favorite people!!
(From left to right: Courtney my Wild and Fun 2nd grade teaching buddy, Shannon our Instructional Facilitator who also has a heart of gold, Me, and Amy our wonderfully sweet Principal) LOVE these girls! <3

 And guess who was one of the winners of the spirit award???
Our staff ROCKS!
And as if this day couldn't get ANY BETTER guess who our key note speaker and entertainment was???
Drum Roll Please....
American Country Singer and Song Writer
Jimmy Wayne
His speech and story were wonderful. We were all in tears and extremely motivated to help all the kiddo's we come in contact with. His story was so inspiring and truly touched my heart. I don't know how your county kicks off their school year but I have to say WAY TO GO Gaston County because that was pretty awesome! I will never forget today.
In case for some crazy reason you don't know Jimmy Wayne's music, click here for to listen to my favorite song by him, "Stay Gone"
What an awesome day!
Head on over to Blog Hoppin' for more get schedules & lesson plans!




1 comment:

  1. Love you and love the picture of us!!! That's a framer
